Life, by Charlie Chaplin

· 11 April, 2019 · 10:06 am

Next Tuesday, April 16 is the 130th anniversary of the birth of the great Charlie Chaplin, known worldwide as Charlot.

From Panateneas we want to offer our little tribute to this movie star with one of his poems. It is not one of his best known, but it perfectly represents his desire to live, his positivity and authenticity.



I already forgave almost unforgivable mistakes,

I tried to substitute irreplaceable people

and to forget unforgettable people.

I already made things for pulse,

I already disappointed myself with people when I never thought me to disappoint,

but I also disappointed somebody.

I already hugged for protecting,

I already laughed when it was not able to,

I made eternal friends,

I loved and I was loved,

but I was also rejected already,

I was loved and I didn’t love.

I already screamed and I jumped of so much happiness,

I already lived of love and I made eternal vows,

I “broke the face” a lot of times.

I already regretted hearing music and sells pictures,

I already called only for listening a voice,

I only fell in love with a smile,

I already thought that will miss very much

and I was afraid of losing somebody special (and I ended up losing)!

But I lived!

It is still alive!

I don’t go by the life… and you should not also pass!


Good same it is to go to the fight with determination,

to hug the life

and to live with passion,

to lose with class

and to expire with daring,

because the world belongs to who dares

and the life is a lot to be insignificant…