This is the 200th post I write for this blog. And it has not been easy to get here! Not so much for the fact of writing, which I love, but for dealing with content that you may find interesting and not repetitive.
Doing some balance I realize that the topics that I have dealt with the most are those related to decoration, ideas for your wedding and references to those small details that make the difference, almost 70! There have also been many entries related to the organization, the way Panateneas works, love… You know, those in which I get more philosophical.
Although I have already thought about the theme of the next ones, I take this opportunity to ask you: what would you like me to talk about? Give me ideas that you may find useful for your big day or curiosities that you want to read about, I love to investigate them to tell you about them later (professional distortion of historian).
And since I am not used to taking pictures of myself in front of the computer, typing like crazy… There you have me, caught by the photographer Marta Etxebarria in the midst of Leyre and Mikel’s wedding ceremony at the Abba Euskalduna in Bilbao. With his parents and his dog Hugo, he is so cute!
I read you! 😉