In Spain we are not accustomed to what is so common in countries like the United States to personalize marriage vows. The cinema, as always, is a reflection of this reality and there are many films in which couples appear planning, together or separately, what they will say in that emotional moment.
So suddenly come to my mind the words that Mr. Big whispers to Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City: «Always yours, always mine, always ours». A phrase taken from a letter that Beethoven wrote to his Immortal Beloved.
It is not necessary to write a long letter of love, nor try to emulate Bécquer with an exquisite poetry. The important thing is to know what one feels for the other person, the reason why he or she wants to spend the rest of his or her life with the other. Elvis Presley made his promise of love very clear in his famous song Love me tender:
«Love me tender, love me true,
all my dreams fulfilled.
For my darling I love you, and I always will.
Love me tender, love me long,
take me to your heart, for it’s there that I belong, and well never part».
While the Guatemalan Ricardo Arjona expressed his feelings and alluding to precisely how easy it is to do with a simple I love you.
«El mundo está al revés y yo te quiero, quererte me hace ser alguien mejor.
Te quiero a veces más de lo que quiero, te quiero aunque a veces cause dolor. Yo te quiero.
No voy a rebuscar en la academia palabras para ver quién me las premia, si este mundo cabe en dos palabras: Te quiero».
Sometimes you do not feel as if that song, movie, book or poetry spoke of your own history?