Although our main service is the organization of weddings, at Panateneas we love to write. That’s why it makes us very happy to tell your story. This was the case of Aintzane and Julen’s wedding last July.
Already when I met them they transmitted a very special connection to me. I got the feeling that she was one of those couples in which the two had been building together as people over the years. And so it was.
When they told me their story, they defined their life together as a journey. A path that must be enjoyed in the moment, because then it ends and only the memories remain. That phrase reminded me of a poem by the Greek poet Constantin Kavafis that I want to share with you, because I think it sums up very well the essence of a relationship –and in the end, that of life itself– that is none other than living in the present.
Says so:
«When you leave for Ithaca,
may your journey be long
and full of adventures and knowledge.
Do not be afraid of Laestrigones, Cyclopes
or furious Poseidon;
you won’t come across them on your way
if you don’t carry them in your soul,
if your soul doesn’t put them in front of your steps.
Don’t lose sight of Ithaca,
for that’s your destination.
But take your time;
better that the journey lasts many a year
and that your boat only drops anchor on the island
when you have grown rich
with what you learned on the way…»